This Emanuel 9 feast day is one way the ELCA can openly confess the racism and white supremacy within its walls and cast a vision of the church on Earth as a place where we following Jesus and racism has no place among us.

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I grew up in an all white ELCA congregation that never spoke of racism or other such controversial topics. In that vacuum racist ideas were transferred from one generation to another – while the congregation maintained its polite silence. I will forever be grateful to Mr. Dawson who was the first person who ever spoke of racism with me, he helped show me that my father is a racist, and taught me that within a church that follows Jesus racism has no place. If it were not for this brave act of defiance when a father insisted it was his right to teach his son hate I may have internalized my father’s teaching – instead I resist. Not every congregation is blessed with a Mr. Dawson willing to take on the prophetic voice, not every child has someone who loves them enough to risk conflict with parents to proclaim love. We cannot allow silence to continue. This Emanuel 9 feast day is one way the ELCA can openly confess the racism and white supremacy within its walls and cast a vision of the church on Earth as a place where we following Jesus and racism has no place among us. 

E.R. Hatboro, PA; Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod